Tuesday 16 April 2024

New Lancet Breast Cancer Commission

New Lancet Commission! Urgent breast cancer challenges can—and should—be tackled. Our The Lancet Breast Cancer Commission report shows glaring inequities, with many groups with breast cancer being systematically left behind and forgotten. This is a global blunder.

Explore the key findings and recommendations from The Lancet Breast Cancer Commission in the infographic, or read our full report for more details.


Friday 17 July 2020

This blog - updated regularly page-by-page - contains my most updated CV (short and long, Spanish and English), presentations from the past years, and recent academic papers, news articles and videos, as well as a selection of photographs from events and recent photos that can be downloaded.

Many items are available in both Spanish and English and most items are downloadable directly or look for them in the Links tab. Additional materials are available at the websites listed in "links".

Please contact me at:
Email: fknaul@miami.edu
Twitter: @FeliciaKnaul
Facebook: Felicia M. Knaul
Instagram: Felicia Knaul
Contacto en México
Email: knaul@prodigy.net.mx
Email: tomateloapecho@gmail.com

Thanks for visiting my blogspot! Comments and ideas welcome.